The drought in Europe is causing big problems

Climate change is bad for people and truffles

There are already reports from Istria, in Croatia, that the drought has severely impacted the number of white truffles found so far this season.

Although it's very early in the white truffle season, reports from Croatia are dreadful for hunters of the wild white truffles that grow there. Often sent to Italy, and passed off as local white truffles (Tuber magnatum), hunters are reporting that yields so far are less than half of what's usually found. Given that the drought in Europe has hit Spain, France, Portugal and Italy very hard, this doesn't bode well for a good black truffle season either. 

The impact of climate change around the world is undeniable, and as truffle growers ourselves we need to take more steps to minimise the impact of adverse impacts on the climate. By it's very nature, planting host truffle trees is great for the environment - the host trees soak up carbon dioxide and add to the oxygen in the atmosphere. So it's a very green industry to be involved in. We need to turn up the pressure on on all polltuing industries to pay attention to this - the greatest challenge to the planet!

truffle festivals

Two truffle festivals not to be missed!

2 truffle festivals
9 Sep 2022

It's all there in a teaspoon!

Truffle growing